Wednesday, March 15, 2006

bike up-date

Yes, my bike is still missing but that doesn't clear up all of my questions.

I was expecting the police to say something like, "Well, you didn't lock it. It's kinda your fault. There's nothing we can do." Instead, they keep looking for it in earnest. There could be a couple of reasons: 1. Bikes are expensive, 2. I'm considered a respected member of the community, 3. All thefts are treated very seriously. I think it's a combination, but it's hard for me to forget my teacher telling me that the people who stole it will be punished (she didn't mention anything about my bike being found). The earnest search made me think that it would be good. The police have come and asked me if two bikes are mine. Neither were. I told them the exact make of the bicycle and described the colors on it (red with a little gray). The bikes that they have shown me were blue or a unique comibination of black and neon. Both were in such bad shape that I would be happy to have the bike stolen.

Also, the Saturday night after my bike was stolen three men were shot and killed in Shongoane 1 at a soccer tornament. (Two villages away from mine and where all of my village's infrastructure is. I come here every week to use internet.) The argument was over a girl that the shooter accussed the others of sleeping with. A few days later, the killer committed suicide. My bike is taken so seriously but the police are also dealing with murders? I mean, it's ok if my bike is never found again if it prevents people from getting shot.

Alicia, one of the two closest volunteers, has given me her bike. It is exactly the same as my previous one. It is currently locked inside our house in a closet.


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